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KEP-1453: Graduate Ingress API to GA

Release Signoff Checklist

Items marked with (R) are required prior to targeting to a milestone / release.

  • (R) Enhancement issue in release milestone, which links to KEP dir in kubernetes/enhancements (not the initial KEP PR)
  • (R) KEP approvers have approved the KEP status as implementable
  • (R) Design details are appropriately documented
  • (R) Test plan is in place, giving consideration to SIG Architecture and SIG Testing input
  • (R) Graduation criteria is in place
  • (R) Production readiness review completed
  • Production readiness review approved
  • "Implementation History" section is up-to-date for milestone
  • User-facing documentation has been created in kubernetes/website, for publication to
  • Supporting documentation e.g., additional design documents, links to mailing list discussions/SIG meetings, relevant PRs/issues, release notes


  • Move the Ingress resource from the current API group (extensions.v1beta1) to networking.v1beta1.
  • Graduate the Ingress API with bug fixes to GA.


The extensions API group is considered deprecated. Ingress is the last non-deprecated API in that group. All other types have been migrated to other permanent API groups. Such an API group migration takes three minor version cycles (~9 months) to ensure compatibility. This means any API group movement should be started sooner rather than later.

The Ingress resource has been in a beta state for a long time (first commit was in Fall 2015). While the interface is not perfect, there are many independent implementations in active use.

We have a couple of choices (and non-choices, see appendix) for the current resource:

  1. We can delete the current resource from extensions.v1beta1 in anticipation that an improved API can replace it.

  2. We can copy the API as-is (or with minor changes) into networking.v1beta1, preserving/converting existing data (following the same approach taken with all other extensions.v1beta1 resources). This will allow us to start the cleanup of the extensions API group. This also prepares the API for GA.

Option 1 does not seem realistic in a short-term time frame (a new API will need to be taken through design, alpha/beta/ga phases). At the same time, there are enough users that the existing API cannot be deleted out right.

In terms of moving the API towards GA, the API itself has been available in beta for so long that it has attained defacto GA status through usage and adoption (both by users and by load balancer / ingress controller providers). Abandoning it without a full replacement is not a viable approach. It is clearly a useful API and captures a non-trivial set of use cases. At this point, it seems more prudent to declare the current API as something the community will support as a V1, codifying its status, while working on either a V2 Ingress API or an entirely different API with a superset of features.


A detailed list of the changes being proposed is given in the Design section below.

  • Move Ingress to a permanent API group. (status: implemented)
  • Make changes to the Ingress API be in a GA-ready state. (status: proposal).
    • Clean up the Ingress API (fix ambiguities, API spec bugs).
    • Promote commonly supported annotations to proper API fields.
    • Create a suite of conformance tests to validate existing implementations.
  • Make Ingress GA.



Risks and Mitigations

  • No additional security tests have been conducted outside of the normal review from the CNCF and the API reviewers.
  • UX reviews have been presented to user groups within KubeCon workshops and survey results. The API has existed in beta since Kubernetes v1.1.

Design Details

This section describes the API fixes proposed for GA.

Summary of the proposed changes

  1. Add path as a prefix and make regex support optional. The current spec states that the path is a regular expression, but support for the flavor defined in the spec varies across providers. In addition, regex matching is not supported by many popular provider implementations.
  2. Fix API field naming:
    1. spec.backend should be called spec.defaultBackend.
  3. Hostname wildcard matching. We currently allow for creation of * and this seems to be a commonly supported host match, but this is not part of the spec.
  4. Formalize the Ingress class annotation into a field and an associated IngressClass resource.
  5. Add support for non-Service Backend types.

Potential features for post V1

These are features that were discussed but not part of this discussion:

  1. (POST GA) Specify healthcheck behavior and be able to configure the healthcheck path and timeout.
  2. (POST GA) Improve the Ingress status field to be able to include additional information. The current status currently only contains the provisioned IP address(es) of the load balancer.

Path as a prefix

The current APIs state that the path is a regular expression using the POSIX IEEE Std 1003.1 standard. However, this is not consistent with the syntax supported by any of the common proxy vendors:

Platform Syntax
nginx PCRE
haproxy PCRE/PCRE2
envoy ECMAscript
skipper re2

Among cloud providers, there is also inconsistent levels of support for regular expression-based path matching. See the load-balancer documentation for AWS, GCP, Azure, Skipper.

It is also the case that our documentation (and most Ingress providers) treats the path match as a prefix match. For example, a narrow interpretation of the specification would require all paths to end with ".*$".

A detailed discussion of this issue can be found here.

Paths proposal

  1. Explicitly state the match mode of the path.
  2. Support the existing implementation-specific behavior.
  3. Support a portable prefix match and future expansion of behavior.

Add a field ingress.spec.rules.http.paths.pathType to indicate the desired interpretation of the meaning of the path:

 type HTTPIngressPath struct {
  // Path to match against. The interpretation of Path depends on
  // the value of PathType.
  // Defaults to "/" if empty.
  // +Optional
  Path string

  // PathType determines the interpretation of the Path
  // matching. PathType can be one of the following values:
  // Exact  - matches the URL path exactly.
  // Prefix - matches based on a URL path prefix split
  // by '/'. [insert description of semantics described below]
  // ImplementationSpecific - interpretation of the Path
  // matching is up to the IngressClass. Implementations
  // are not required to support ImplementationSpecific matching.
  // +Optional
  PathType string

V1 validation

Note: default value are permitted between API versions (reference).


The PathType field will default to a value of ImplementationSpecific to provide backwards compatibility.

Path matching semantics

For Prefix and Exact paths:

  1. Let [p_1, p_2, ..., p_n] be the list of Paths for a specific host.
  2. Every Path p_i must be syntactically valid:
    1. Must begin with the '/' character (relative paths are not allowed by RFC-7230).
    2. Must not contain consecutive '/' characters (e.g. /foo///, //).
  3. For prefix paths, a trailing '/' character in the Path is ignored, e.g. /abc and /abc/ specify the same match.
  4. If there is more than one potential match:
    1. Exact match is preferred to a Prefix match.
    2. For multiple prefix matches, the longest Path p_i will be the matching path.
    3. If an ImplementationSpecific match exists in the spec, then the preference depends on the implementation.
  5. If there is no matching path, then the defaultBackend for the host will be used.
  6. If there is not a match for the host, then the overall defaultBackend for the Ingress will be selected.
Exact match

Path must be exactly the same as the request path.

Prefix match

Matching is done on a path element by element basis. A path element refers is the list of labels in the path split by the '/' separator. A request is a match for path p if every p is an element-wise prefix of p of the request path. Note that if the last element of the path is a substring of the last element in request path, it is not a match (e.g. /foo/bar matches /foo/bar/baz, but does not match /foo/barbaz).

ImplementationSpecific match

Interpretation of the implementation-specific behavior is defined by the associated IngressClass. Implementations are not required to support this type of match. If the match type is not supported, then the controller MAY raise this error as an asynchronous Event to the user.

Kind Path(s) Request path(s) Matches?
Prefix / (all paths) Yes
Exact /foo /foo Yes
Exact /foo /bar No
Exact /foo /foo/ No
Exact /foo/ /foo No
Prefix /foo /foo, /foo/ Yes
Prefix /foo/ /foo, /foo/ Yes
Prefix /aaa/bb /aaa/bbb No
Prefix /aaa/bbb /aaa/bbb Yes
Prefix /aaa/bbb/ /aaa/bbb Yes, ignores trailing slash
Prefix /aaa/bbb /aaa/bbb/ Yes, matches trailing slash
Prefix /aaa/bbb /aaa/bbb/ccc Yes, matches subpath
Prefix /aaa/bbb /aaa/bbbxyz No, does not match string prefix
Prefix /, /aaa /aaa/ccc Yes, matches /aaa prefix
Prefix /, /aaa, /aaa/bbb /aaa/bbb Yes, matches /aaa/bbb prefix
Prefix /, /aaa, /aaa/bbb /ccc Yes, matches / prefix
Prefix /aaa /ccc No, uses default backend
Mixed /foo (Prefix), /foo (Exact) /foo Yes, prefers Exact

backend to defaultBackend

These are straightforward one-to-one renames for better semantic meaning.

v1beta1 field v1 rationale
spec.backend spec.defaultBackend Explicitly mentions default

Add comment clarifying behavior:

It is up to the controller to resolve conflicts between the defaultBackend's for multiple Ingress definitions that are served from the same VIP if this is possible.

Hostname wildcards

Most platforms support wildcards for host names, e.g. syntax such as * matches names, The current spec states that must be an exact FQDN match of a network host.

Hostname proposal

Add support for a single wildcard * as the first label in the hostname.

The IngressRule.Host specification would be changed to:

Host can be "precise" which is an domain name without the terminating dot of a network host (e.g. "") or "wildcard", which is a domain name prefixed with a single wildcard label (e.g. "*").

Requests will be matched against the Host field in the following way:

If Host is precise, the request matches this rule if the http host header is equal to Host.

If Host is a wildcard, then the request matches this rule if the http host header is to equal to the suffix (removing the first label) of the wildcard rule.

  • The wildcard character '*' must appear by itself as the first DNS label and matches only a single label.
  • You cannot have a wildcard label by itself (e.g. Host == "*").
Hostname match examples
  • "*" matches "" because they share an the same suffix "".
  • "*" does not match "" as the wildcard only matches a single label.
  • "*" does not match "", as the wildcard must match a single label.

Note: label refers to a "DNS label", i.e. the strings separated by the dots "." in the domain name.


As this is strictly additive, this could be punted to post-GA to reduce the size of the change.

Ingress class

The annotation is required for selecting between multiple Ingress providers. As support for this annotation is universal, this concept should be promoted to an actual field.

Ingress class field

Although promoting the annotation as it is currently defined as an opaque string is the most direct path, that precludes any future enhancements to the concept. With that in mind, we propose creating a new Class field in IngressSpec to take the place of the existing annotation. This new field will be immutable. To ensure that this can be safely round tripped between API versions, this new field will also be added to previous API versions.

type IngressSpec struct {
  // Class is the name of the IngressClass cluster resource. This defines which
  // controller(s) will implement the resource.
  // +optional
  Class *string
Interoperability with previous annotation

The annotation will be separate from the new Class field. As the annotation was never formally defined or validated, we can not safely convert the value of this annotation to the new Class field. Use of this annotation will be considered formally deprecated with the v1 Ingress release.

When both the class field and annotation are set, the annotation will take priority. The controller MAY emit a warning event if the user sets conflicting (different) values for the annotation and field.

To ensure backwards compatibility, Ingresses may be created without a class field or annotation. Although this is not a recommended state, it must still be supported by the API. Implementations of this API may choose to ignore Ingresses without a class specified. In certain cases, such as when an Ingress class is marked as default, it may make sense for Ingress implementations to implement Ingresses that do not have a class specified.

When new Ingresses are created, if both the class field and annotation are set, an error will be returned that only the class field should be used. If the class field is set, a corresponding IngressClass resource must also exist.

IngressClass Resource

Additionally, we propose adding an IngressClass resource to provide additional data about the Ingress class. This will be a non-namespaced resource. The IngressClass resource is an optional way to provide additional configuration for a specific class of Ingress. This allows us to evolve the API to express concepts such as levels of service associated with a given Ingress controller.

The name of this IngressClass resource will be tied to any Ingresses with the same value for the class field. An IngressClass resource can exist without any Ingresses referencing it, and an Ingress can have a class value that does not correspond with an IngressClass resource.

// IngressClass represents the class of the Ingress, referenced by the Ingress
// Spec.
type IngressClass struct {

  // Spec is the desired state of the IngressClass.
  // More info:
  // +optional
  Spec IngressClassSpec

// IngressClassSpec provides information about the class of an Ingress.
type IngressClassSpec struct {
  // Controller is responsible for handling this class. This should be
  // specified as a domain-prefixed path, e.g. "".
  // This allows for different "flavors" that are controlled by the same
  // controller. For example, you may have different Parameters for the same
  // implementing controller.
  Controller string

  // Parameters is a link to a custom resource configuration for the
  // controller. This is optional if the controller does not require extra
  // parameters.
  // +optional
  Parameters *api.TypedLocalObjectReference
Default IngressClass

Following the pattern established by StorageClass, an annotation can be set on an IngressClass to indicate that the IngressClass should be considered default. This will accept a boolean value. When set to true, new Ingress resources without a class specified will be assigned this Ingress class. If more than one IngressClass resource has this annotation, the admission controller will return an error in response to Ingress creation attempts that don't have a class specified.

Alternative backend types

The Ingress resource is an L7 description of a composite set of services. It currently supports only Kubernetes Services as a backends. However, there are many use cases where a portion of the HTTP requests could be routed to a different kind of resource. For example, serving content from an object storage (S3, GCS) is a commonly requested feature.

At the same time, we do not expect to enumerate all possible backends that could arise, nor do we expect that naming of the resources will be uniform in schema, parameters etc. Similarly, many of the resources will be implementation-specific.

Backend types proposal

Add a field to the IngressBackend struct with an object reference:

type IngressBackend struct {
  // Only one of the following fields may be specified.

  // Service references a Service as a Backend. This is specially
  // called out as it is required to be supported AND to reduce
  // verbosity.
  // +optional
  Service *ServiceBackend

  // Resource is an ObjectRef to another Kubernetes resource in the namespace
  // of the Ingress object.
  // +optional
  Resource *v1.TypedLocalObjectReference

// IngressServiceBackend references a Kubernetes Service as a Backend.
type IngressServiceBackend struct {
	// Name is the referenced service. The service must exist in
	// the same namespace as the Ingress object.
	Name string `json:"name" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name"`

	// Port of the referenced service. A port name or port number
	// is required for a IngressServiceBackend.
	Port ServiceBackendPort `json:"port,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=port"`

// ServiceBackendPort is the service port being referenced.
type ServiceBackendPort struct {
	// Name is the name of the port on the Service.
	// This is a mutually exclusive setting with "Number".
	// +optional
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name"`

	// Number is the numerical port number (e.g. 80) on the Service.
	// This is a mutually exclusive setting with "Name".
	// +optional
	Number int32 `json:"number,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=number"`

Support for non-Service type Resources is implementation-specific. Implmentations MUST support Kubernetes Service. Support for other types is OPTIONAL.

Backend types examples

Ingress routing everything to foo-app:

kind: Ingress
  class: acme-lb
    name: foo-app
      number: 80

Ingress routing everything to the ACME storage bucket:

kind: Ingress
  class: acme-lb
    kind: storage-bucket
    name: foo-bucket

Invalid configuration (uses both resource and service):

kind: Ingress
  class: acme-lb
    name: foo-app
      number: 80
    resource: # INVALID!
    kind: storage-bucket
    name: foo-bucket
Supporting custom backends (non-normative)

As a sketch, an object bucket can be named with a CRD. NOTE: this example is non-normative and for illustration purposes only.

type Bucket struct {
  Spec BucketSpec

type BucketSpec struct {
  Bucket string
  Path   string

The associated IngressBackend referencing the bucket would be:

    kind: bucket
    name: my-bucket

Test Plan

  • Copy existing Ingress tests with changes to new resource group
  • Add roundtrip tests for any new/changed resources
  • CRUD e2e test exercising all verbs and endpoints on Ingress suitable for promotion to conformance
  • CRUD e2e test exercising all verbs and endpoints on IngressClass suitable for promotion to conformance

Graduation Criteria

API group move to

  • 1.14: Ingress API exists and has parity with existing extensions/v1beta1 API
  • 1.14: extensions/v1beta1 Ingress tests are replicated against
  • 1.15: all in-tree use and in-org controllers switch to API group
  • 1.18: documentation and examples are updated to refer to API group


  • 1.19: API finalized and implemented on the branch.
  • 1.19: Ingress spec and conformance tests finalized and running against branch.
  • 1.19: Review & update Ingress documentation
  • 1.19: API changes merged into the main API, with tests from v1beta1 pointing to GA.

Upgrade / Downgrade Strategy

  • Field changes such as backend to defaultBackend are only implemented in the v1 API and tests are added to ensure roundtripping
  • Newer features such as regex requirements for paths were released in 1.18 but could be updated and not created. This ensures that beta clusters will recognize new types created in 1.19 GA if cluster rollbacks are necessary.

Version Skew Strategy

Production Readiness Review Questionnaire

Feature enablement and rollback

  • How can this feature be enabled / disabled in a live cluster?

    • Feature gate (also fill in values in kep.yaml)
      • Feature gate name:
      • Components depending on the feature gate:
    • Other
      • Describe the mechanism:
        • This feature can be enabled/disabled by passing the following flag to kube-apiserver
          • --runtime-config ingress/v1=false,ingressclass/v1=false
      • Will enabling / disabling the feature require downtime of the control plane?
        • Yes, a restart of the apiserver and Ingress controllers is required if changed
      • Will enabling / disabling the feature require downtime or reprovisioning of a node?
        • No
  • Does enabling the feature change any default behavior?

    • In 1.18 defaulting was added to the Ingress API for adding Implementation-Specific as the pathType. The GA Ingress API will no longer add this default pathType and validation will require a user to select the type.
  • Can the feature be disabled once it has been enabled (i.e. can we rollback the enablement)?

    • Yes if the ingress/v1 API is disabled, fallback to the v1beta1 API will happen.
    • If newer types or features like IngressClass are used from the GA type, they will still be able to be used in an older version
  • What happens if we reenable the feature if it was previously rolled back?

    • Re-enabling the feature will allow for new types to be created again.
  • Are there any tests for feature enablement/disablement?

    • 1.18 ingress/v1beta1 contains many tests for checking whether new types can be used during creation and if they are still allowed if the feature is disabled.

Rollout, Upgrade and Rollback Planning

This section must be completed when targeting beta graduation to a release.

  • How can a rollout fail? Can it impact already running workloads? Try to be as paranoid as possible - e.g. what if some components will restart in the middle of rollout?

    1. Bugs within the conversion functions can result in odd validation when creating/updating new objects. Both of these scenarios are tested as detailed in Test Plan.
    2. Controllers that are not using the new APIs can also experience odd validation or improper type errors if they are watching new fields but expecting pathType to be defaulted or path to be regex-compliant.
    3. Similar to #2, The newer ingressClassName field on Ingresses is a replacement for that annotation, but is not a direct equivalent. While the annotation was generally used to reference the name of the Ingress controller that should implement the Ingress, the field is a reference to an IngressClass resource that contains additional Ingress configuration, including the name of the Ingress controller.
  • What specific metrics should inform a rollback?

    • Ingress controllers should provide there own metrics as per their implementation-specific SLOs.
    • If a user determines that there CloudProvider or Ingress controller does not accept ingress/v1 or ingressclass/v1 specs, then they should disable these APIs until the respective controller fully supports the new types.
  • Were upgrade and rollback tested? Was upgrade->downgrade->upgrade path tested?

    • The API contains a myriad of API and e2e testing for forward and backward version changes. Further details can be found in Test Plan
  • Is the rollout accompanied by any deprecations and/or removals of features, APIs, fields of API types, flags, etc.? Even if applying deprecation policies, they may still surprise some users.

    v1.19 (GA)
    `Ingress` and `IngressClass` resources have graduated to ``. Ingress and IngressClass types in the `extensions/v1beta1` and `` API versions are deprecated and will no longer be served in 1.22+. Persisted objects can be accessed via the `` API. Notable changes in v1 Ingress objects (v1beta1 field names are unchanged):
    * `spec.backend` -> `spec.defaultBackend`
    * `serviceName` -> ``
    * `servicePort` -> `` (for string values)
    * `servicePort` -> `service.port.number` (for numeric values)
    * `pathType` no longer has a default value in v1; "Exact", "Prefix", or "ImplementationSpecific" must be specified
    Other Ingress API updates:
    * backends can now be resource or service backends
    * `path` is no longer required to be a valid regular expression
    v1.18 (Pre-GA changes)
    * Add alternate backends via TypedLocalObjectReference
    * Add Exact and Prefix matching to Ingress PathTypes
    * Addition of IngressClass resource

Monitoring requirements

This section must be completed when targeting beta graduation to a release.

  • How can an operator determine if the feature is in use by workloads? Ideally, this should be a metrics. Operations against Kubernetes API (e.g. checking if there are objects with field X set) may be last resort. Avoid logs or events for this purpose.

    • N/A, changes in this KEP are API only. Additional monitoring is the responsibility of the implementation's controller.
  • What are the SLIs (Service Level Indicators) an operator can use to determine the health of the service?

    • N/A, changes in this KEP are API only. Additional monitoring is the responsibility of the implementation's controller.
  • What are the reasonable SLOs (Service Level Objectives) for the above SLIs? At the high-level this usually will be in the form of "high percentile of SLI per day <= X". It's impossible to provide a comprehensive guidance, but at the very high level (they needs more precise definitions) those may be things like:

    • N/A
  • Are there any missing metrics that would be useful to have to improve observability if this feature? Describe the metrics themselves and the reason they weren't added (e.g. cost, implementation difficulties, etc.).

    • N/A


This section must be completed when targeting beta graduation to a release.

  • Does this feature depend on any specific services running in the cluster? Think about both cluster-level services (e.g. metrics-server) as well as node-level agents (e.g. specific version of CRI). Focus on external or optional services that are needed. For example, if this feature depends on a cloud provider API, or upon an external software-defined storage or network control plane.

    For each of the fill in the following, thinking both about running user workloads and creating new ones, as well as about cluster-level services (e.g. DNS):

    • CloudProvider / Ingress Controller
      • Usage description:
        • In order for newer features to be utilized like PathType and IngressClass, the Ingress controller will need to be updated to support these fields and respond accordingly.


For alpha, this section is encouraged: reviewers should consider these questions and attempt to answer them.

For beta, this section is required: reviewers must answer these questions.

For GA, this section is required: approvers should be able to confirms the previous answers based on experience in the field.

  • Will enabling / using this feature result in any new API calls?

    • N/A
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in introducing new API types?

    • Yes - this will introduce new types to the Ingress/v1beta1 and Ingress/v1 APIs
      • Ingress.Spec.Backend.Resource
      • Ingress.Spec.IngressClass
      • Ingress.Spec.Rules.HTTP.PathType
    • The supported number of Ingresses per cluster and per namespace will highly depend on the controller implementation (and on cloud-provider scalability/performance characteristic if applicable). Given this KEP is about the API itself (and not its implementation), we can't provide any uniformly supportable number here.
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in any new calls to cloud provider?

    • Cloud providers will need to update their specific Ingress controller if they provide one as part of their offering.
    • New calls will depend on the specific implementation, which is out of scope from this KEP.
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in increasing size or count of the existing API objects?

    • There will be new types under for Ingress/v1 and Ingress/v1beta1
      • Ingress.Spec.Backend.Resource
      • Ingress.Spec.IngressClass
      • Ingress.Spec.Rules.HTTP.PathType
    • An increase in object size should be a few hundred bytes, but the actual object size may be more based on how many newer fields are set. Specific implementation controllers may also affect this size based on how many features they support.
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in increasing time taken by any operations covered by existing SLIs/SLOs? Think about adding additional work or introducing new steps in between (e.g. need to do X to start a container), etc. Please describe the details.

    • N/A
  • Will enabling / using this feature result in non-negligible increase of resource usage (CPU, RAM, disk, IO, ...) in any components? Things to keep in mind include: additional in-memory state, additional non-trivial computations, excessive access to disks (including increased log volume), significant amount of data send and/or received over network, etc. This through this both in small and large cases, again with respect to the supported limits.

    • N/A


Troubleshooting section serves the Playbook role as of now. We may consider splitting it into a dedicated Playbook document (potentially with some monitoring details). For now we leave it here though.

This section must be completed when targeting beta graduation to a release.

  • How does this feature react if the API server and/or etcd is unavailable? -Changes are API only so no updates will be taken into account if the API server is unavailable but controllers should be able to continue with last known configuration.

  • What are other known failure modes?

    • N/A, changes in this KEP are API only.
  • What steps should be taken if SLOs are not being met to determine the problem?

    • N/A, changes in this KEP are API only. Appropriate SLOs are the responsibility of the implementation's controller or CloudProvider.

Implementation History



  • v1beta1 additions prior to GA
    • pathType field for ingress path matching added but only allowed during updates for compatibility
    • IngressClass resource added
    • Alternate backend types added but only allowed during updates for compatibility
    • Blog created summarizing changes


  • Meet graduation criteria and promote API to
  • Implement API changes to GA version.
  • Update documentation to reference
  • Update in-tree controllers, examples, and clients to target
  • Announce Ingress as deprecated


  • Update API server to persist in
  • Update Ingress controllers in the kubernetes org to target
  • Evangelize availability of v1 Ingress API to out-of-org Ingress controllers


  • Remove ability to serve extensions/v1beta1 and Ingress resources (preserve ability to read existing extensions/v1beta1 Ingress objects from storage and serve them via the API)



See Motivations


Design discussions


One suggestion was to move the API into a new API group, defined as a CRD. This does not work because there is no way to do round-trip of existing Ingress objects to a CRD-based API.

Future design: Healthchecks

The current spec does not have any provisions to customize healthchecks for referenced backends. Many users already have a healthcheck URL that is lightweight and different from the HTTP root (i.e. /).

One obvious question that arises is why the Ingress healthcheck configuration is (a) is needed and (b) is different from the current Pod readiness and liveness checks. The Ingress healthcheck represents an end-to-end check from the proxy server to the backend. The Kubelet-based service health check operates only within the VM and does not include the network path. A minor point is that it is also the case that some providers require a healthcheck to be specified as part of load balancing.

An option that has been explored is to infer the healthcheck URL from the Readiness/Liveness probes on the Pods of the Service. This method has proven to be unworkable: Every Pod in a Service can have a different Readiness probe definition and therefore it's not clear which one should be used. Furthermore, the behavior is implicit and creates action-at-a-distance relationship between the Ingress and Pod resources.

Healthchecks proposal

Add the following fields to IngressBackend:

type IngressBackend struct {
  // Healthcheck defines custom healthcheck for this backend.
  // +optional
  Healthcheck *IngressBackendHealthcheck

type IngressBackendHealthcheck struct {
  // HTTP defines healthchecks using the HTTP protocol.
  HTTP *IngressBackendHTTPHealthcheck

// IngressBackendHTTPHealthcheck is a healthcheck using the HTTP protocol.
type IngressBackendHTTPHealthcheck struct {
  // Host header to send when healthchecking. If empty, the host header will be
  // implementation specific.
  Host string
  // Path to use for the HTTP healthcheck. If empty, the root '/' path will be
  // used for healthchecking.
  Path string
  // TimeoutSeconds for the healthcheck. Failure to respond with a success code
  // within TimeoutSeconds will be counted towards the FailureThreshold.
  TimeoutSeconds int
  // FailureThreshold is the number of consecutive failures necesseary to
  // indicate a backend failure.
  FailureThreshold int

If Healthcheck is nil, then the implementation default healthcheck will be configured, healthchecking the root / path. If Healthcheck is specfied, then the backend health will be checked using the parameters listed above.

Potential pre-GA work

Note: these items are NOT the main focus of this KEP, but recorded here for reference purposes. These items came up in discussions on the KEP (roughly sorted by practicality):

  • Spec path as a prefix, maybe as a new field
  • Rename backend to defaultBackend or something more obvious
  • Be more explicit about wildcard hostname support (I can create * but in theory this is not supported)
  • Add health-checks API
  • Specify whether to accept just HTTPS or also allow bare HTTP
  • Better status
  • Formalize Ingress class
  • Reference a secret in a different namespace? Use case: avoid copying wildcard certificates (generated with cert-manager for instance)
  • Add non-required features (levels of support)
  • Some way to have backends be things other than a service (e.g. a GCS bucket)
  • Some way to restrict hostnames and/or URLs per namespace
  • HTTP to HTTPS redirects
  • Explicit sharing or non-sharing of external IPs (e.g. GCP HTTP LB)
  • Affinity
  • Per-backend timeouts
  • Backend protocol
  • Cross-namespace backends

Rejected designs

This section contains rejected design proposals for future reference.

Portable regex for Path

The safest route for specifying the regex would be to state a limited subset that can be used in a portable way. Any expressions outside of the subset will have implementation specific behavior.

Regular expression subset (derived from re2 syntax page)

Expression description
. any character
[xyz] character class
[^xyz] negated character class
x* 0 or more x's
x+ 1 or more x's
xy x followed by y
`x y`
(abc) grouping

Maintaining a regular expression subset is not worth the complexity and is likely impossible across the many implementations.

Infrastructure Needed (optional)