Paper 2012/206

(Pseudo) Preimage Attack on Round-Reduced Grøstl Hash Function and Others (Extended Version)

Shuang Wu, Dengguo Feng, Wenling Wu, Jian Guo, Le Dong, and Jian Zou


The Grøstl hash function is one of the 5 final round candidates of the SHA-3 competition hosted by NIST. In this paper, we study the preimage resistance of the Grøstl hash function. We propose pseudo preimage attacks on Grøstl hash function for both 256-bit and 512-bit versions, i.e. we need to choose the initial value in order to invert the hash function. Pseudo preimage attack on 5(out of 10)-round Grøstl-256 has a complexity of $(2^{244.85},2^{230.13})$ (in time and memory) and pseudo preimage attack on 8(out of 14)-round Grøstl-512 has a complexity of $(2^{507.32},2^{507.00})$. To the best of our knowledge, our attacks are the first (pseudo) preimage attacks on round-reduced Grøstl hash function, including its compression function and output transformation. These results are obtained by a variant of meet-in-the-middle preimage attack framework by Aoki and Sasaki. We also improve the time complexities of the preimage attacks against 5-round Whirlpool and 7-round AES hashes by Sasaki in FSE~2011.

Note: Extended Version for the camera-ready version that will be published at FSE 2012 proceeding

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Publication info
Published elsewhere. FSE 2012
hash functionmeet-in-the-middlepreimage attackGrøstlWhirlpoolAES
Contact author(s)
wushuang @ is iscas ac cn
2012-09-10: last of 3 revisions
2012-04-22: received
See all versions
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Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Shuang Wu and Dengguo Feng and Wenling Wu and Jian Guo and Le Dong and Jian Zou},
      title = {(Pseudo) Preimage Attack on Round-Reduced Grøstl Hash Function and Others (Extended Version)},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2012/206},
      year = {2012},
      url = {}
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