
Still on track for publication

At the moment, we are still on track for the reprint to leave the printer on 19 October.

In the meantime, No Starch has sent out a few of the better copies from the earlier problem print run to reviewers, so some reviews will start appearing before too long. The first that I've seen is a blog post by Mike Riley at Dr Dobbs, who provides a short summary (rather than a deep review) of the book.


Minor website changes

I've made a few minor changes to the site, including a new code distribution that contains a fix for a bug in one of the example programs. (One of the silver linings to the publishing delay is that the fix will also be in the paper copy.)


Revised publication date

Enough copies in the initial print run had problems that the publisher and printer have together decised to redo the print run. The target "bound book" date is currently 19 October, and the book should be shipping a week after that. There may still be some movement on those dates; if so, I'll post here.

In the meantime, No Starch Press have sent out a press release for the book, which you can read here (also kindly reproduced by the folks at LWN.net).