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Welcome to the ADAM lab

Our lab aims to develop novel hardware foundations that will enable new ways of computing. Our research endeavors lie at the intersection between materials, devices, and circuits. We innovate at the design and fabrication level with a vision of system-level experimental demonstrations. Our current focus is on two-terminal non-volatile memory devices, such as memristors, that have an electrical behavior similar to that of an artificial synapse. Such devices promise cost-effective integration in ultra energy efficient neuromorphic processors.

In the Spotlight

April 2024: Dr. Adam was awarded the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools Teaching Award (Doctoral level).

November 2023: Imtiaz successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations!

August 2023: Dr. Adam and collaborators were awarded a DoD DEPSCoR Capacity Building grant.

July 2023: Our work on artificial synapses was featured in the GW Research Magazine [link]

June 2023: Our collaborative work on network intrusion detection supported by memristors was presented at IEEE Conference on AI [link]

March 2023: Dr. Adam was selected for the GW-wide Morton A. Bender Teaching Award.

Feb-March 2023: Dr. Adam was awarded an AFOSR YIP grant and an NSF CAREER grant.